Hi There, Gorgeous!
My name is Karen Scott-Sassadeck, Owner and Founder ofTrace of Essence, LLC I want to take a few minutes to share my lovely story
Little did I know the Trace of Essence anti-aging face oil journey was set to begin on August 7, 2020. I had been making this intoxicating oil for myself, family, and friends for many years. It was the only moisturizer I used-day and night. To give a bit of history, a few months earlier, in June 2020, I took a little brown bottle of magic with me on a trip to North Carolina. I left it behind for someone who had told me how much they loved the smell. Some time passed, and while I was back in Idaho, we were talking one evening. On that fateful day in August, they said, "Karen, I love the smell of your oil-you really need to sell it." Their words strongly encouraged me to bring my oil to market. I replied, "Well, I guess we need a name." There was a long pause, then a deep breath, and finally, the words: Trace of Essence. It was music to my ears.